Monday, March 16, 2009

my chicken got beat up by a dog!

Okay this might sound a little weird but here we go . My grandma has two dogs , my dad has three chickens . My dad and grandma live two houses away and my grandmas & my dads neighbor has a hole in one fence and the other fence has an open space. And my grandmas dogs went through the open space ran over to the hole in the fence and started ataking a bird the one that we were wathching for a moth. I was in the neighbors back yard so i saw this happen I wasnt alone though i was with my cozen and when i saw the dogs ataking the bird i ran to my dad and i said ''dad dog ataking hidei '' and my dad said '' oh crap '' then my dad ran back to the yard and could not find hidei or sesquahena both of them is a chicken sesquahena got beat up by one of the dogs in i think June and we cleand her but because she got bit on the but me and my cozen had to find hidei and sesquahena but my dad found them now i can't stop thinking about it but the owner of hidei asked us to wach her for a month so he can build a chicken coop but then the owner of hidei moved so we get to keep her.!