Thursday, November 19, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009


Its almost my mommy's birthday so i decided to write about her. Me and mommy always goes to the movies together and get are nails done we only been going to the movies together but that's alright. I love my mommy shes the best human alive and shes nice to .


Thursday, October 8, 2009


Once upon a time there was a girl who was named KiKi and a boy named MiMi. KiKi was born with a big hand.............................................................................................................KiKi met MiMi in kindergarten they were best friends........................................................................................Then they grew up and started a web show it was called KiKi & MMi....................................................and they always do something with MiMi's hand and one of the web shows KiKi was playing the guitar and MiMi was telling KiKi why cant you play the guitar and MiMi was saying I DON'T KNOW

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

homework school in fall rain crazed

September is my favorite month and fall is probably is one of my favorite seasons nice weather to wear jackets my favorite thing to wear. Since its the fall I'm in fifth grade now cool i love it so far. My dads been getting less time to help me on homework and to help him on his homework. Now sometimes homework is easy for me because i don't know if I've been listening more or i just understand fifth grade stuff more. This month has been crazy it's rained so hared since Monday or Sunday i don't remember the exact day but i know it was one of those days.


Monday, September 14, 2009

cow girl :)

I love contry stuff so heres a picture of me pretending to be a cowgirl its not the best but i like this one the best so i picked it. Its very weird that im exsited for Halloween and Cristmas cool there one of my favorite seasons now but if i could pick a favorite out of those too i would pick Cristmas i love the snow ;) the snow is cold though also i love the rain its awsome infact its raining right now not really hard though!!! :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Kennedy School Pictures

Here are my school pictures from 1st grade through 4th grade!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

buddy boy (Ethan)

My brother Ethan is so sweat he waves when people leave he always brings joy to me.And i was playing with him today so i decited to write about him and put pictures he is adorable!!!. Trust me i loved him every moment of his life.So here are some pictures . PLEASE LOOK AT THEM!

Monday, March 16, 2009

my chicken got beat up by a dog!

Okay this might sound a little weird but here we go . My grandma has two dogs , my dad has three chickens . My dad and grandma live two houses away and my grandmas & my dads neighbor has a hole in one fence and the other fence has an open space. And my grandmas dogs went through the open space ran over to the hole in the fence and started ataking a bird the one that we were wathching for a moth. I was in the neighbors back yard so i saw this happen I wasnt alone though i was with my cozen and when i saw the dogs ataking the bird i ran to my dad and i said ''dad dog ataking hidei '' and my dad said '' oh crap '' then my dad ran back to the yard and could not find hidei or sesquahena both of them is a chicken sesquahena got beat up by one of the dogs in i think June and we cleand her but because she got bit on the but me and my cozen had to find hidei and sesquahena but my dad found them now i can't stop thinking about it but the owner of hidei asked us to wach her for a month so he can build a chicken coop but then the owner of hidei moved so we get to keep her.!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

SUMMER for brother!kk is exsited

As you can see i Kennedy Olsen have been veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery happy for summer this year cause it's my brothers very first time camping and all that stuff. Me and Leila and all of our parents go to bear lake in the summer we missed a year because we both got brothers randomly.I don't know why at least not the same moth or day that is good news so me and leila have brothers both of us creepy.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I hiked peek-a-boo and spooky

When i was 8 i went to Escalate . I was with dad,Nicole,me,Wendy, john and Isaac the three last people are the bakers i guess i should say the neighbors they have one baby boy Isaac he is getting big . the bakers are really nice they let me play in there yard with out permission . So in Escalate we stayed in a little white cabin it had no electricity so we used lanterns and sol er light and night nothing . There was a little out house down the trail if i needed to go to the bathroom in the night i was dead scared i don't remember telling my dad or Nicole about it or the neighbors we always took lanterns in the night to the bathroom.On the second day i found a little river by the cabin it was in walking distance from were we stayed the lake was actually nice i loved the lake it was awesome i had so much fun throwing sticks in it playing around it i was mad when i had to leave the lake but i always know i could come back to it someday.

new blog!

I will like blogging alot. I have a cat her name zero she is a circus animal .My cousin Katy is cool but i guess she loves and misses her dad alot so she decided to not go to loagn with me and fungus (my dad).My grandma says katy is missing out on her i think that is right.People made cookeis yesterday they were a wonderfull delight to me! I love them.